Tuesday, February 27, 2007
02:23 - Access remote Xserver apps from windows
This is something I might forget later :|
Step 1: Install
Xming Configure it for multiple windows and disable server access control
Step2: Set 'export DISPLAY=$windows_host_ip:0.0' in the remote machine (Where $windows_host_ip is your IP)
Step3: Test! (this shows 'gnome-system-monitor')

Labels: linux, trackback, X
Sunday, February 18, 2007
02:33 - Notes for Gnome
I was looking for a utility in gnome for taking notes, and as usual I was confronted with many choices. Open source is about choice after all, right? One too many though.
This is not a review/comparison. Just a list.
There's the usual tomboy which sits on your panel.
hnb : Hierarchical notebook. Mimics a gui within a shell. Once you get the hang of it, this can be pretty efficient/easy to manage. Sort of like vi :)
note : Pure command line. Uses vi for editing.
notebook-gtk2 : This is meant for keeping track of things. You have a status and day/time. Looked neat, but I wasn't able to save a sample note.
**: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/pradeep/.notebook/notes.xml"
Document not parsed successfully.
notecase : You can move your notes around: Uses it's format to save files: Note Case Document(.ncd)/ Note Case Encrypted Document (.nce)/ Note Center Document(.hnc). Very simple/clean GUI.
zim : A desktop wiki.
The names in bold are the package names. You could simply do a apt-get install (If you use debian and it's derivatives)
Labels: gnome, notes, trackback
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